Saturday, August 27, 2016

Hi-dee-Ho, Friends!!

Sorry for seemingly dropping of the face of the earth for the last year - This chickee's been quite a busy bird.

I am in school!

You see, I was voted 'Most Likely to Succeed' in high school.  'Most Intelligent'. I was Valedictorian, for Pete's sake. I only tell you that in order to tell you this:  For the past 30 years, I've felt worthless, tired, bogged down, and SAD.

I now know why.

After months of studying studying studying the ins and outs of my new friend Hashimoto, and knowing the 'WHY' of my unexplainable feelings, I decided to actually have a fulfilling LIFE with this illness at my side.

So, a 15 year career is upcoming  ...beginning at the age of 47!  I have almost completed my first year of vascular sonography school and will soon begin my year of echocardiography.  Wish me luck, and


In case you're interested, Cardiac and Vascular Institute of Ultrasound is my new home.

And if you're in a reading sort of mood, take a look at my previous posts. There aren't many; I promise.  And they might just inspire you in some sort of way.  ...Inspire you to better health or inspire you to never read one of my blog posts again.  Either way, give it a try. ;)