I ate an entire bag of corn chips just now. All seven hundred calories of it. I know you'll laugh and syh (that's 'shake your head' in case you didn't know, smh) when I tell you what type of chips they were, but you have to understand that I've been faithfully eating clean for two whole months. Keeping my serving sizes at a serving size. Exercising diligently. Making my yeses mean yes and my nos mean nos. Nose mean nose. No's mean nos. Whatever - you get my drift.
Yep, two entire months. I've gone down 16 pounds by sticking to my guns. It takes nerve and willpower and determination and a gym and healthy food! They say you can't have too much of a good thing, but even Spinach and Kale corn chips aren't meant to be a source of gluttony.
I am totally aware (after the fact) that when I try to drown my emotions in food, I am relying on the power of a full belly to satisfy me, to placate my soul. But food is not the pacifier that any of us need. Especially when we're on a journey to improve health. I've been eating like a bird, sweating like a pig, and I'm finally beginning to look like a fox - and WHAMMO! - along comes a bag of sea salty corn chips and I eat it in its entirety. Actually, I sort of snuck-ate them. Oh, you know what 'snuck-ate' means. That's when you carry the bag into the room where your husband is not. I went into the bed, put the bag on the other side of my body (out of sight) and fiddled on the computer while devouring handfuls of the devil. I mean, the corn chips. They were good, but not that good. It was not worth it. And while I thought I was hiding, God was there. Is there. Always. Jehovah Shammah - The Lord is There.
There is FAR greater satisfaction in the knowledge of God and the experience of His peace which He lays upon us like a warm blanket - a comforter. A comforter! ...Oh yeah, I like that. He is my Comforter. (I write this while lying in my bed under a couple of comforters - make that 3 comforters!)
Today, I had a fine needle aspiration performed on one of the lymph nodes in my neck, near the mass in my thyroid. The ultrasound image showed it to be enlarged, so my surgeon wanted to pull some gunk out of it (another good ol' bibopsy) to make sure it was all clear before he went in. He wants to have a heads-up in case any lymph nodes need to be removed. For one, I've read that papillary carcinoma often spreads to the surrounding lymph nodes. Secondly, my dad is currently in remission from non Hodgkin's lymphoma, so the familial history warranted him to take a looksee. I am grateful for my thorough doctor!
I'm even more grateful for Jehovah Rapha - The Lord Who Heals! & may I be constantly reminded of Jehovah Shalom - The Lord is Peace. He IS the peace that can never be found in any bag of chips.
Now excuse me while I go make myself throw up. <--- no, no, no - I'm only joking!! ...because that would mean I have to get out of bed. ;)
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